List of Tamil words in Enga language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Enga language
Dr. Varinkaval Ramsamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Enga is a language of the East New Guinea Highlands spoken by a quarter-million people in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. It has the largest number of speakers of any native language in New Guinea, and is second overall after Papuan Malay. The Enga contain more than 150,000 people that occupy the mountainous region ranging from Mount Hagen and westward to Porgera. Enga people are known to be sedentary gardeners that grow sweet potatoes as their staple crop. Coffee and pyrethrum are also grown as cash crops in their culture and they also keep pigs, cattle, and fowls. Pigs, pearls, shells, axes, and plumes are items of wealth and signify social occasions when exchanged or circulated. Enga clans have definite boundaries defining their homesteads across the territory and have been known to fight with each other over land, women, and vengeance. Men and women traditionally occupy different homes because it is believed that women are unclean and can be dangerous to men. The Enga culture does not include a chief or headman, but instead the wealthy men have the political and administrative control. 

Clues to read Enga words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref- Enga Dictionary with English index by Adrianne Lang
English- Enga words -Tamil
*1. father- aya- aiyaa
*2. father- apa- appa
*3. father- apane- appan
*4. father- asane- achchan ; eesan .
*5. father- tata- thathai; thanthai .
*6.boy / male- ane- aan
*7. mother- ania- annai
*8. mother- mama- amma
*9. grandmother-apusi- achchi
*10. grandmother- aputi- paatti
*11. aunt/ paternal- atte- aththai/ maternal
*12. baby- bepia- paapa
*13. grandfather- toto- thaththaa
*14. maternal uncle- amea –maama
* akali-kaalai
*16. salt- aipi- uppu
*17. rock salt- aipi kuli- uppu kal / kal uppu
18.salt spring- aipi pete- uppu thanni uooththu ; uppu- salt; thanni- water; uooththu- spring ; letters are read more than once.
* be married/ of women - akali kitenge- kaliyaanam kattunkka ; kaalaiyaei kattunkka; kaalai- man .
*20. pandanus- akueta- kaithai
21.lily- aleambu -alli poo; alli = lily [E] ; poo- flower.
*22. river name- alyo- oliyal/ river
*23. fish -amane – meen
*24. fish- pisa- paasi ; fish [E] – paasi
* yana-naai
26.joint- amundii- mutti
*27. large- pata- padaa
* epapo- eppo
29.finished- ita- mudiya
30.stone used for sharpening- atakoi- theettuka /to sharpen exchange- atete pingi- maathidunkka /change ; maaththi thaankka /exchange
*32. heart /seat of emotion and thoughts- mono- manam / mind
*33. round trip to several places- awali- ulaa
*34. moon- kana- koan
*35. head- matena- mandai ;letters are jumbled.
*36. road- batesa- paathai/ path tie up- buingi- pinaikka
38.receipt- bota- oppu seettu / acknowledge receipt
*39. up here/ close by – dalya- otti ulla
*40. door- doa- thatti ; thadai .
41.flower / blue - dioo – uoothaa poo ; uootha- blue; poo- flower.
* give- dingi –thaankka/ polite form
43.piece- duna – thundu
*44. self- duna- thaun ;thaan . mourn- ee lao yae pingi- elavu vaikka/ vainkka
* cry- ae lenge- azhunkka / polite form ; azhuka
47.eight- eita- ettu
48.headman/ elder / elder of a church- esamana- esamaan/ master
* finish- etenge- mudinkka / polite form
*50. gold- golo muni -koozh ; koozhai munn/ gold soil ; koozhai/ koozh - gold ; munn- soil .
*51. go- ikoo- yaeku
*52. water- ipa- appu ipa- pannai
*54. cane- ipakola- kazhi
*55. wood- ita- thadi
*56. fire- ita- thee
*57. stick- ita kuli –thadi kazhi – itaita - soodu iti- mudi
60.mountain- kaiti- kumidu / hill
61.mountain- manda-munn maedu
*62. door- kaita- kathavu; ka= va; va= ka.
*63. path- kaita- kadavu ; ka= va; va= ka ; kathi .
*64. rain forest- kakatae- kaadu / forest
65.bush – kakatae- kuththu sedi
* whisper- kakatenge -kaathoadu kathainkka ; kaathu- ear; kathainkka- to tell
*67. sister /address between women- kakii- akka /elder sister
*68. sister of a woman- papee- pappa / sister/ elder sister /daughter cut- kakitenge-kaathidinkka/ polite form ; kaathuka .
*70. male of animals- kali- kaalai
71.castrated animals -kali- kaaai illai / without testis; kaai- testis; illai- nil .
*72. stone- kana -kann
73.decoration/ neck- keleta-kazhuththai puaniya ; kazhuththu- neck; punaiya- to decorate
*74. work/ job- kalai – kai yaal / with hands ; kai- hand.
*75. good looking / man- kalya- kalaiya
*76. cave- kana kundu – kan koottu ; kan kaandai .
* meet/ on road- kandanyingi- kandidunkka /to meet find- kandao nyingi- kandu adainkka
* see/ look /to know - kandenge –kandidunkka
80.tongue- keke- naakku
*81. hard/ strong- keto- ketti ;kadmai .
*82. king-kini –koan
* wrap around- kitutu nyingi- kattunnkka/ to wrap
84.little/ small- kole- kullam
85.badly/ wrongly-kopeta- kettathaa
86.many / much- koto- mikuthi
*87. flute/ bamboo- kululu-kuzhal
*88. flute- pupi –peepei / slang; pipe.
*89.owl-kutama- koattaan
*90. pond- kutaepa- kuttai
91. quail-kyoaki –kaakkai / crow
*92. strong- kyoto- kadumai
93.shoulder-latai- thoal ; letters are in reversed order.
*94. exclamation of surprise- mama- yamma
*95. good looking / woman- malya- mallal/ beauty name- Mata Kale- Maada Kualam -village in Madura , Tamil Nadu .
*97. edge- duu- ottu
98.time- mate- amathi ; time [E] = amathi ; letters are in reversed order. /location- mate- muttam ; idam ;letters are in reversed order.
*100.skull- matena kuli – mandai kalam; kalam- vessel; mandai- head; letters are jumbled.
101.meat- misa- maamisam
* mole- mazhai / rain/ cloud
103.sting- kato pingi – koththuka/ snake; kadikka/ insect. name-Mondopa- Mandapam /a place in Tamil Nadu.
*105.slowly- moo lao- mella
106.dumb- muuma- uoomai
*107.we/ us- naima- naam/ we; nam/ ours. name- nali- nizhal/ place man’s- Nanna- Nannan
*110.sun- yakina- koan
* kulape- kulam
*112.vegetable- okae- kaai
113.jew’s harp- olaiyole- mayil yaal / peacock shaped harp ; yaal- harp ;mayil- peacock. fly/ birds-- paenge -paaika complete- otenge- mudinkka / polite form; mudikka .
*116.near – pakao- pakkam ruin- pakatapu- kettu poaka /to get ruined
* go- pee- poa
* go-penge- poankka / polite
*120.rot- pelyai- paazh
*121.tree stump- tundu- thandu /stem
* do / make- pingi- pannuka
* wear- pingi – punaika
124.temple of head- pinyete- neththi
* break- pitingi – poattu udainkka name- poketa- kudi / village
127.strongly- puu lao- palama ; palam [Skt]
*128.saliva- soo- echchi
129.milk- susuu- susi/ breast take- kodai; letters are in reversed order.
* strike- takingi-thaakku
132.grass- yuli -pul tapu – paattu ;letters are in reversed order.
*134.hole- tii- oaattai
135.scar/ white- tili –theeththal / scar ; thazhumpu / scar .
*136.hook- uki- kokki
137.that- utupa-athu
*138.body- yanu- uoon
139.bone- koli- alakku ; letters are in reversed order.
*140.cup -kapo – koappai
141.cut [n] – tete-thundu ; thundi/ to cut .
*142.ear- kale- kuzhai
143.ear- pierced- kale tii-kuzhai thaiththal / kuththuthal ; letters are jumbled; kuththuthal- piercing .
*144.deaf- kali keta – kuzhai kaetkaathu ; letters are read more than once; kaetkaathu- cannot hear.
*145.deaf- kale potae – kuzhai pottai ; pottai- deaf /slang
*146.fat- tuku –thokkai yomandi- mandai mudi ; mandai- head; mudi- hair.
148.hole /eaten by insects- kalu kalu- kuzhi kuzhiya / full of holes; kuzhi- hole.
149.leaf- lipu - izhai
150.lid- tomo- moodi ; letters are in reversed order; moodu- to cover.
151.lie in wait- isoo katenge- kaathidunkka ; kaaththu kidankka
*152.moon- mae- ma
153.moon- wate-vithu
*154.mist- mulu pana – pani mazhai /snow fall ; letters are jumbled; pani- mist . boto- padam
*156.powder-pautaa – podi
*157.rain drops- talya- thuli /rain /drop
*158.rat- yul- eli
*159.trouble- salopele- sallu pullu
160.woman- enda-pendu
161.bag- pausa- pai
*162.beautiful- sayalo- saayal / beauty
163.bier- yakita- kattai ; katti .
164.bundle- tumu – moottai ; letters are in reversed order. jeep- kato – sakadam
*166.cloth- sili sili- seelai
167.confluent-satenge- santhikka ; letters are jumbled.
*168.consume- nenge- unnuka
169.coward- pa kall – koalai
*170.cow- bulomakao – paal makai ; paal- milk ;makai- cow.
* nee- uoon
*172.go inside- koko penge- akam poankka ; akam – inside.
*173.get married / women -kali penge- kaliyanam pannuka; kaliyanam- marriage ; pannuka-do.
*174.head/ top- sao- uchchi
175.joined together- pyakatae – onna koodida ; koodu- join
176.joined together- pyasetae- onnaa saenthidu ; saenthidu- to join .
*177.menstrual blood- tatama- thooma
178.oppose- atete pingi- eththidunkka
179.stab- kapu katenge- kuththunkka / to stab